Just Pucking Perfect

Welcome to my world. I'm Puck, the world's most loveable mutt. I'm old, I'm smelly, and I'm my mommy's biggest fan. She's young, sexy, and obviously bored. Won't you read along as my life unfolds...my fabulous, fabulous life as a dog...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Abandoned and Alone

Who does she think she is? Mommy left YET AGAIN last weekend. Doesn't she realize how lonely I get without her? Why does she abandon me so much? Was it something I barked?

Well, she was gone last Thursday until late Saturday night. I could tell she was leaving because she was up late Wednesday putting clothes into a big suitcase and she barely slept. She kept checking the clock. She left really early in the morning (too early for Puck dog!) and didn't come back for three whole days. I was so sad.

Well, I wasn't totally alone. My mommy didn't just up and leave without anyone to watch me - don't call Animal Services on her just yet. My mommy's friend Holly came over to hang out with me, which was nice. Holly is fun and all, but, like I've said, she's no mommy. Plus, she wouldn't spend the night with me. Sometimes I get scared. I act all tough by growling and bushing up my fur but secretly I'm shaking in my paws! There are weird noises at night. Zoey prowls around, too. She doesn't like it when mommy leaves, although she'll never tell you that. Without mommy around there is no one to turn on the sink, and Zoey loves to drink from the sink. Without mommy she's left with the toilet (ha ha).

Mommy did come back in a great mood, which was nice. She kept telling me all about this place called Montreat and how one day she'll take me there to see how pretty it is. I hope she does take me, although I don't want to go in one of those planes Mommy talks about. She always smells like 80 different smelly people when she gets off of one. ICK!

Now mommy is talking about us moving to Virginia. I don't know if this is a plan she will follow through with or what, but as long as Mommy and I are together, I am A-O-K.



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