Just Pucking Perfect

Welcome to my world. I'm Puck, the world's most loveable mutt. I'm old, I'm smelly, and I'm my mommy's biggest fan. She's young, sexy, and obviously bored. Won't you read along as my life unfolds...my fabulous, fabulous life as a dog...

Sunday, March 04, 2007

My Goat Knows the Bowling Score - Hallelujah!

Well, Mommy said she survived the "fcat", whatever that is. Normally, I like cats. They usually come with some interesting smells, and if you sniff them up close, their fur gets all fluffy and they make this funny hissing sound. But this fcat sounds like the kind of cat that would take a swipe at your nose with its sharp and pointy claws. Must be related to Zoey.

Mommy also went on a date yesterday. Now, you know how I feel about my mommy going on these "dates" - gallivanting off to see him random guy and abandoning her one true love (i.e. ME) at home on a Saturday night. Actually, she met this dude in the afternoon. I don't think she was that impressed - she came home and said, "Don't worry buddy, this one ain't a keeper." Now, if you examine my past - I was once a mere pup, dropped off at a shelter on hot summer day, forced to fiercely wag my tail at every human that came through the door in the hopes they would fall in love with the oh-so-lovable-me that they would bypass all the other dogs and yell out "I'll take him!" - you'd think I'd feel some sympathy for this guy she so quickly rejected. HA! Mommy picked me because she is picky. In guys, she doesn't always have the best taste but in dogs, well, I may be biased but let's face it. So when she rejects some guy after one date, I only applaud her efforts to remain single until someone worth sniffing comes around.

On a positive note, Mommy was more disappointed that her date being a dud would give her little to write about, as opposed to the date being such a dud that she didn't want the guy to call again. In other non-dating news, Mommy has joined a beach volleyball team! It is her and her new friends Fay, Steph and Breanna. They will have make a team with two other guys (grr..why can't it be girls only?) and play some other teams. Granted, Mommy has never been much for team sports or athleticism as a whole, but she figures it will be a fun way to meet new people and try something new.

Not to sound like an ordinary doggy blogger - but the weather here is beautiful! Sixty-five degrees and sunny...this is how I like my days. A cool breeze, some fresh grass, a nice poop - life is good, my friends. Life is good.

Woof! I'm out.


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