Just Pucking Perfect

Welcome to my world. I'm Puck, the world's most loveable mutt. I'm old, I'm smelly, and I'm my mommy's biggest fan. She's young, sexy, and obviously bored. Won't you read along as my life unfolds...my fabulous, fabulous life as a dog...

Friday, March 31, 2006

I said, "Who runs this motha?"

Today Mommy said, "Steve? Steve WHO?"

I was glad to hear it.

Mommy has been talking about volunteering at the local humane society. I have mixed emotions about this. On one paw, I think it is a good idea. I used to live at a shelter when I was a little bitty puppy, and I remember the volunteers were very sweet to me. I like the idea of mommy being sweet to other puppies. On the other paw, I don't like the idea of mommy being sweet to other puppies. She's MY mommy - why does she have to go play with other doggies in her spare time? On another paw (remember, I have four), I'd hate to see mommy sit around and mope all summer long. She needs something to do! And if she's out helping other animals, they will find happy homes to live in, just like I did. But on the last paw, I still prefer mommy to be with me.

You see? Mixed emotions.



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